LAGUNA BEACH, CA – June 26, 2020 – (LATINX NEWSWIRE) – GUARDaHEART 501(c)(3) Foundation has teamed up with Coast Hills Church to provide coronavirus antibody testing to community members at no cost.
This COVID-19 antibody test is a blood-based test that can be used to detect the presence of an IgG antibody response. A positive result indicates that an individual has been infected with the COVID-19 pathogen in the past and has developed some level of immunity. While serological tests should not be used to diagnose active infections, they can identify past COVID-19 infections and whether a person has developed an immune response or immunity to COVID-19. This test could be a critical next step in battling COVID-19, continuing to flatten the curve, and ensuring a safe re-opening of the community. All tests and results will be kept 100% confidential. Results will be available online in three days or less.
The SARS-CoV-2 serology antibody test being provided has a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 99.6% based on initial performance evaluations. This test is one of the most reliable antibody tests available and far more reliable than many other tests being provided.
Anyone can receive a COVID-19 serology antibody test at no cost to them on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 in the parking lot of Coast Hills Church, 5 Pursuit, Aliso Viejo, California 92656.
It is simple to register for your COVID-19 antibody test. You can reserve your test using this form. If you are unable to register online, you may also register in-person on the testing date but be sure to plan for extra time to complete the registration in-person.
“We are bringing together the best minds in public health, academia and private industry to design a program that can help lower the risk for COVID-19 in all of our communities and keep us on the path to reopening,” said Governor Gavin Newsom.
“GUARDaHEART knows how important antibody testing is to safely reopen California. This will help ensure people in Orange County know whether they have developed Covid-19 antibodies as we work to reopen our community. It will help slow the spread and reduce the risk of community spread. We want to ensure finances are no obstacle to battling the COVID-19 virus and ensuring a safe reopening,” said Estrella Harrington, Founder of GUARDaHEART.
“Coast Hills Church is committed to helping our community in the midst of the pandemic. We will continue outreach efforts supporting the community through a variety of programs,” said Chet Lowe, Senior Pastor at Coast Hills Church.
The State of California has confirmed that Orange County has successfully demonstrated a plan that meets the state-required metrics as outlined in the California Resiliency Roadmap to re-open Orange County businesses.
You can find additional testing opportunities throughout Southern California by visiting GUARDaHEART.org. GUARDaHEART is actively working with businesses, nonprofit organizations, and community organizations in Orange County, Los Angeles County, and San Bernardino County to provide additional no-cost COVID-19 antibody testing to the public. Organizations interested in partnering with GUARDaHEART can contact them at info@guardaheart.org.
Stay Connected and Follow GUARDaHEART on Twitter and Facebook!
Media Inquiries Please Contact: Yvette Morales at YM & Associates PR at YMoralesY@YM-PR.com or 949-244-9769.
GUARDaHEART is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit that provides education to the community, corporations, Native American organizations, unions, and individuals to promote heart disease awareness, detection, and prevention. Our mission is to empower communities through preventative action and to reduce the risk of heart disease worldwide. «LEARN. DETECT. PREVENT.»
About Coast Hills Church
Coast Hills Church is led by Pastor Chet Lowe and is committed to meeting the needs of our community by engaging through outreach efforts locally and globally. These efforts include care for vulnerable youth and both foster and adoptive families, supporting the working poor and homeless, community development, and home construction locally and globally. To learn more on services and volunteer opportunities, contact Outreach Minister, Jeff Kotrody at Jkotrady@CoastHillsChurch.org.