AUSTIN, TX – March 6, 2015 – (HISPANICIZE WIRE) – On Thursday, Mach 12, 2015, Latino and Latina Tech leaders across several verticals and their allies will be convening in Austin Texas to discuss the state of affairs for the Latin@ community in tech. This year, the Latin@s in Tech Summit will be held at the Mexican American Cultural Center.
“We are incredibly excited to be holding the Latin@s in Tech Summit this year at the Mexican American Cultural Center in Austin”
“We are incredibly excited to be holding the Latin@s in Tech Summit this year at the Mexican American Cultural Center in Austin,” said Kety Esquivel, founder of the Latin@s in Tech Summit and XelerateTech.
“According to the most recent data from Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, Hispanics account for 38 percent of the state population. We think it is important to highlight the work the Latino community is doing in tech as entrepreneurs and employees. It is a story that is not often told. We believe it is important to bring this gathering of Latina leaders in tech here given the important role that it plays in the local community.”
“There is incredible talent in the Latino community that is fueling innovation and collaboration every day,” said Terilyn Juarez Monroe, Director of Talent Engagement & Early Career at Intuit. “We are excited to partner with XelerateTech and Latin@s in Tech so together we can amplify that message, celebrate successes and continue to drive change.”
“I believe that initiatives like the Latin@s in Tech Summit are critical to overcoming the pipeline challenges that we are facing in Tech. Lifting up the stories and good work of Latinos and Latinas in the tech and innovation sector set the foundation upon which we can build a stronger future,” said Van Jones co-founder of Yes We Code.
The Latin@s in Tech Summit on March 12, is XelerateTech’s flagship event. This year’s agenda will include a focus on finance, social good, the entry level to the pipeline (K-12 and college), Latino and Latina coders making change from the inside and conversations with Latino and Latina entrepreneurs in tech.
The 2015 Summit will be a daylong event the day before SXSWi. Event organizers see the one day Summit as an important catalyst and milestone in maximizing the opportunity for Latinos and Latinas to contribute to the industry.
To purchase tickets, please go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/latins-in-tech-xeleratetech-tickets-9281369827
About XelerateTech
XelerateTech connects established and emerging leaders in the tech sector from underrepresented groups by hosting events and creating outreach programs. Job creation, career advancement, inclusion and skill development are key focuses for the group.