BRANCHVILLE, NJ – April 8, 2021 – (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) – In her new book, Healing Leadership: How to Lead, Love, and Thrive in Business and Life, award-winning international transformational speaker and leadership coach Ginny A. Baro shares innovative leadership strategies for navigating change successfully.
Dr. Baro reports that a new leadership style is emerging in response to current global crises. Throughout this book, she explores the secrets of healing leadership and recommends high-performance habits for improving self-leadership and developing a growth mindset and resilience.
After conducting a field study interviewing forty-one diverse industry experts showcased in the book, she reveals twenty-one distinct critical leadership skills and qualities leaders require to overcome challenges and thrive in this challenging environment.
Dr. Baro writes, “Each of us is being called upon to become part of the healing leadership around the globe…. The 2020 pandemic and our new way of working and living highlight the importance of empathetic leadership that values and embraces a human-centric approach where people’s well-being is at the forefront of all business imperatives and ideals.”
Baro’s book also provides expert advice on how to develop, mentor, coach, and retain talent; microsteps and resources to awaken your strengths, contribute to others and skyrocket your career; and strategies for personal development to unleash your full potential.
Praise for Healing Leadership
“Meeting the challenges of our time requires a significant reframe of what leadership means today. Healing Leadership is the playbook for these new times, offering a wealth of inspiration and immediately implementable ideas.” — Fabienne Fredrickson,
“A must read for anyone seeking to lead with authenticity and higher purpose.” — Jill Johnson, CEO at Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership
“Ginny Baro’s powerful new book will inspire and motivate you to lead with intention, integrity, compassion, and mutual respect. Healing Leadership is what the world needs most right now.” — Sandra Stosz, Trustee for the US Coast Guard Academy Loy Institute for Leadership, author of Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass: Leading in Uncharted Waters
Credentials: Dr. Ginny A. Baro is an award-winning international motivational speaker, certified leadership coach, career strategist, and #1 bestselling author of Fearless Women at Work. Named one of the Top 100 Global Thought Leaders, she delivers coaching programs, trainings, and keynotes to global audiences to develop individual women and leaders and helps Fortune 500 companies build inclusive leadership dream teams. In addition, Dr. Baro is a member of Latinas for Business Inc, which is a national non-profit 501(c)(3) membership organization that advocates for the economic empowerment of Latinas and other minority women entrepreneurs. Prior to starting ExecutiveBound®, Baro, who holds a Ph.D. in information systems, an MS in computer science, an MBA in management and a BA in Computer Science and Economics, was a director at Lord, Abbett & Co., LLC. She also worked for Alliance Bernstein and Prudential. She immigrated to the U.S. at age 14 from the Dominican Republic and speaks fluent Spanish. Healing Leadership (Bavaro Press) is her second book.
Availability: New York, nationwide, and internationally by arrangement and via telephone