WASHINGTON, DC – August 13, 2014 – (HISPANICIZE WIRE) – Today, the Carlos Slim Foundation unveiled Acceso Latino, a free website created to provide U.S. Latinos easy access to tools and content about education, healthcare, job training, culture and more. This site will serve as a valuable resource to help Latinos succeed in the United States.
“Acceso Latino will put valuable knowledge at the fingertips of everyone who wants to learn new skills and engage with their community. It is a simple but powerful resource that can potentially help millions of people improve their lives”
“We’re proud to launch Acceso Latino, a completely free website that can provide Latinos access to better opportunities through education, learning English, and job training,” said Carlos Slim Helú. “Acceso Latino will put valuable knowledge at the fingertips of everyone who wants to learn new skills and engage with their community. It is a simple but powerful resource that can potentially help millions of people improve their lives.”
At over 40 million people, Latinos make up the largest ethnic minority in the United States. That’s why Acceso Latino was created: to provide a support network for this growing and developing community. Today, 80% of adult Latinos say that they are able to connect to the Internet. Yet many of them still struggle to find access to high value information that they can use to improve their lives and those of their families.
The Carlos Slim Foundation has identified a number of areas that are most associated with long-term success. Acceso Latino will provide content, free of charge and in Spanish, in each of these critical areas:
— Online job training for in-demand employment, both in the United States and in their country of origin, as well as information about financial literacy. Today, Latinos comprise nearly 20% of the American work force, and this website will help them become better equipped to succeed.
— Academic education from elementary to the university level provided by Khan Academy, MIT-Open Course Ware, Coursera and Académica, that includes courses from top level universities such as Harvard, Stanford and Mexico´s National University, as well as original materials. Today less than 55% of Hispanic students graduate from high school. Materials provided through Acceso Latino will help more students build the skills they need to succeed.
— Online resources for learning English and subjects like American history and civics.
— Health care information on common topics, including professional medical advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle for the whole family. Better health education and awareness can prevent chronic disease and unnecessary emergency room visits.
— Information on human and labor rights.
Acceso Latino displays information in an easy-to-use format on each topic, complete with videos that walk users of any skill level through a step-by-step process. Acceso Latino is a collaborative effort with organizations that work with the Latino community across the United States.
Dr. Roberto Tapia-Conyer, CEO of the Carlos Slim Foundation, explained how anyone can access the website. Dr. Tapia said. “Acceso Latino was designed with everyone in mind. No matter your nation of origin, age, level of ability, or ultimate goal, the website has something for you.”
Visit the website at accesolatino.org.
About the Carlos Slim Foundation
Created in 1986 to impact the most vulnerable populations, the Carlos Slim Foundation has directly benefited millions of people. With a marked sense of social responsibility, efficiency, and proven results, the Foundation has programs in various fields, such as education, employment, health, nutrition, social justice, culture, human development, support during natural disasters, protection and conservation of the environment, and economic development. These programs help improve the quality of life for populations of all ages, fostering the development of human capital and generating opportunities for people, their communities, and their countries.