MIAMI, FL – June 15, 2020 — (LATINX NEWSWIRE) — On June 27th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Mana Wynwood RC Cola Mural Museum Miami’s Class of 2020 graduates are invited to participate in a unique photoshoot with award-winning renowned photographers Armando Colls and Tomas Loewy. At least 200 lucky seniors will have their own photos taken in front of the famed murals. Seniors can register for the free picture session and receive a coupon to print their free 8 x 10 colored photo via www.lostweens.com.
Registered seniors also will receive a goody bag onsite filled with product giveaways and enjoy DJ music as they wait for their photo session with each photographer. The event is being virtually hosted by Miami-based Tik Tok star Bonnie Rodriquez, @bonnierzm, who is sharing five of her famous poses to help seniors prepare for their one-of-a-kind photo experience.
High school graduation is the most important academic rite of passage for students who have worked so hard to complete a 12-year education and a true milestone as teens transition into adulthood. The Class of 2020 faced the cancellation of their annual high school graduation commencement along with other milestones due to the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine. The pomp and circumstance of a traditional graduation commencement is such a meaningful time for high school seniors as well as a meaningful moment for the families who have supported these efforts and watch them grow through their academic journey. Based on this notion a group of Miami business leaders has joined forces to provide them with a unique experience that commemorates such a unique moment in history and their lives.
“As a mother of a graduating senior, I have seen the heartfelt disappointment in our children’s faces that their major milestone is being overshadowed by the crisis affecting the entire world,” said Susana Baker, Mana Wynwood Community Outreach Director and the event coordinator. “I knew Moishe Mana would sponsor something special for these seniors since Mana Wynwood is all about community empowerment.”
“We want to celebrate our leaders of tomorrow and their families,” said Moishe Mana, creative community content developer and founder of Mana Wynwood. “It is very sad to see the effects coronavirus has had on our community and especially these seniors who have lost all the traditional celebrations.”
RC Cola Mural Museum also will dedicate a mural wall in its museum to celebrate and honor the Class of 2020. Using the images taken they will be transferred onto a wall becoming a monumental mural of Seniors’ pictures in black & white, with community leaders and iconic symbols of graduation in color. The special dedication will be created by an urban legend graffiti artist to tag the wall #SeniorPictureDay2020 #Classof2020 at a later date.
The bilingual digital platform for guiding GenZ, Los Tween & Teens, is co-hosting and producing the onsite event and is featuring ongoing content about Class of 2020 graduates on its website www.lostweens.com. Founded as an e-magazine to help parents, educators and caregivers guide kids ranging from 8-18 years old, the platform emphasizes the importance of supporting tweens and teens during their unique life milestones and transitions.
Funds being raised through small event sponsorships and Mana Wynwood will be presented to participating seniors as cash grants at a later date in July 2020. All event details and updates, student registration, and participation waivers are posted on www.lostweens.com. Please visit the site for rules and safety procedures that will be in place.
SAFETY MEASURES DUE TO COVID 19: All attendees must be wearing a mask, must sign a waiver before entering the venue and only the senior will be allowed entry. NO family members and only one senior at a time in groups of 100 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and another 100 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. RC Cola is a large open space of over 85,000 square feet that allows for optimal social distancing at all times.
SENIOR REGISTRATION FOR FIRST 200: go to www.lostweens.com to register your senior!
For Sponsorship opportunities: Call Susana Baker, Mana Wynwood Community Outreach Director at 305-767-5000 or email theartexperiences@gmail.com
For information on Mana Wynwood go to www.manawynwood.com
Caps and Gowns photo credit: Armando Colls
Senior Prom Dresses pictures photo credit: Tomas Loewy