ALAMEDA, CA – March 13, 2018 – (HISPANICIZE WIRE) – My Lofty Pillow (MLP) announces the launch of a Kickstarter campaign to help put an end to Flight Neck Syndrome (FNS), that awful neck pain travelers get from uncomfortable airplane, bus, and train seats. Over a billion people* travel in the U.S. each year, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Highway Policy Information. As that number continues to climb, the need for an effective travel pillow becomes ever more essential. That’s why Aaron Cruz, creator of My Lofty Pillow (patent pending), felt compelled to find a solution to FNS that hadn’t been discovered yet.
“I travel extensively for work and pleasure,” said Cruz. “The market has a big niche that hasn’t been filled. My Lofty Pillow has features for comfort and ease that no other travel product provides. It’s the perfect travel accessory.”
Lightweight and sturdily constructed of durable material, My Lofty Pillow provides four-point, head-nestling support and comes in a compact, self-contained carrying pouch. Cruz’s unique and thoughtful design also makes the product easy to use.
“All you do is unzip the compact pouch and inflate it. Once inflated, the pillow opens into a comfortable headrest, with an easily adjustable neck support that rests under the chin,” said Cruz. “My Lofty Pillow also provides storage pockets for items like your smart phone, ear buds, and boarding pass.”
Most consumers know that travel via airplane, bus, train, or automobile for extended periods of time can cause head, neck, and shoulder strain. Along with cramped quarters, the general resting position for travel is an uncomfortable 135 degrees. The Harvard Medical School Health Guide also asserts that the oxygen levels at aircraft cruising altitudes are 5% to 10% less than normal* which can give rise to headaches during long flights. My Lofty Pillow has been designed to put less strain on the body’s neck vertebra and supporting structures.
Cruz handcrafted the first prototype for My Lofty Pillow in his mechanic shop at his home in Alameda, CA. A seasoned, self-made entrepreneur who emigrated from Mexico, he currently travels nationwide as a contractor and electrician for solar companies, doing his part to help make the world a greener and safer place.
My Lofty Pillow is the result of his vision and his passion for international travel. He can’t wait for consumers to benefit from his latest labor of love, with its unparalleled design and functionality.
“I knew I could do better than what’s been available on the market, so I set out to make a travel pillow that is comfortable, compact, easy to use, affordable – and up to my very high standards,” added Cruz. “With My Lofty Pillow, we can finally help fight Flight Neck Syndrome. Travelers, suffer no longer!”
For videos of My Lofty Pillow visit:
*Total: US Passengers by Transportation Mode of Transportation Total Passengers in 2013: US Airlines 824,956,471 M Train/Amtrak 31.0 M Bus/Greyhound 18.0 M U.S. Drivers 212,160 M
Sources:,,United States Department of Transportation, Office of Highway Policy Information