WILMINGTON, DE – September 15, 2015 – (HISPANICIZE WIRE) – Mum Mum Cards — a unique line of greeting cards that target only expectant mothers — speak to a Latina’s “delicate condition,” offering encouragement and support. The greetings come in both Spanish and English in words her baby might say to her.
If babies could communicate to their mothers before they’re born, what would they say?
“You’re doing great,” “I cannot wait to meet you,” or “You just became my Mommy” are messages Baby can speak to Mom in a Mum Mum card.
Mum Mum Cards creators believe it’s never too soon to make a connection between a baby and his/her mom and dad.
“We have a soft spot in our hearts for Latina mothers and their newborns,” said Cass Bailey, spokeswoman for Mum Mum Cards. “We know they can experience many emotions during and after pregnancy and a giving them a Mum Mum card is a perfect way for family members and friends to offer support and encouragement and share in the joy of a new baby.”
Pregnancy is a joyous time for families, with much anticipation and preparation for a new life. But it’s also a time when women can feel anxious, physically uncomfortable and emotionally vulnerable.
At no other time in a woman’s life will she need as much support as when she’s about to become a mother.
The expectant mother’s mental and emotional state is important for both her and her baby. According to the National Institutes of Health’s Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, a lack of social support during pregnancy is linked to several negative outcomes for pregnancy, including low birth weights, poor labor progress, and higher levels of anxiety and depression, and a study by the University of California, L.A. showed that women with strong family support were less likely to have postpartum depression.
“During difficult times, Mum Mum Cards can remind her that she’s not alone, that she’s supported, and that she’s doing a great job taking care of her baby,” Bailey explains.
The greeting cards in Spanish help Latinas deal with the uncertainties they experience during pregnancy. Latinas tend to begin their families earlier in life, and as younger women, they’re often unaware of the biological and physiological changes their bodies will experience during pregnancy. They may not understand the emotions they’re experiencing or the depression they may feel after the baby is born. Spanish-translated Mum Mum Greeting Cards are a way Latino families can express messages of reassurance and joy to their loved ones.
Mum Mum Greeting Cards is a March of Dimes NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) Program partner, which provides information and comfort to families with a neonatal infant.
Mum Mum Greeting Cards are available online only and may be purchased at https://mummumcards.com/.