NEW YORK, NY – August 19, 2016 – (HISPANICIZE WIRE) – Today the New York Statewide Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, Rev. Carmen Hernandez on her behalf and on behalf of the NYC LGBTQS Chamber of Commerce, Inc. and Frank Garcia, Chairman of the New York State Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, filed independent lawsuits against the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC). The lawsuits come during the aftermath following the USHCC’s decision to terminate the memberships of both local organizations after Mr. Garcia and Rev. Hernandez disputed among other issues, the national organization’s decision to host a forum for GOP nominee Donald Trump.
The NYC LGBTQS Chamber of Commerce was the only LGBT Chamber part of the national organization. The USHCC’s decision to terminate the membership of the NYC LGBTQS Chamber of Commerce Inc. now results in their being no representation of the LGBT community within the membership of USHCC.
Official letters sent on March 9th from the USHCC’s attorneys to Mr. Garcia and Rev. Hernandez state “…you are not authorized to attend any USHCC sponsored event and security will be notified to escort you off the premises, if you appear.” The letters also state that the Board of Directors unanimously voted to terminate their memberships, but fail to cite a specific cause for the terminations and the attorneys declined a request to release copies of the USHCC Bylaws.
The lawsuits also result from the National Chamber’s retaliation against the local leaders’ continued questioning of the National Chamber’s (1) lack of transparency, and (2) failure to hold the elections mandated in the National Chamber’s bylaws. Additionally, the lawsuit resulted from the National Chamber’s retaliation against Mr. Garcia and the State Chamber continually expressing concerns with Javier Palomarez seemingly improper behavior in using his official capacity to engage in political activities prescribed by not for profit organizations for purposes not directly related to the management of the Chamber.
The State Chamber and the National Chamber attempted to negotiate an amicable resolution for months with no avail.
The New York State Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce is an effective business membership organization with a track record of unifying and representing businesses throughout the State of New York. We are a coalition of members ranging from 26 other chambers of commerce, sole proprietors, partnerships, multi-national corporations and the small mom and pop businesses that drive this great nation’s economy. We are here to help you unite with entrepreneurs like yourself, industry leaders and executives to provide you with information, tools, business exposures and the connections needed to establish and grow your business, but more importantly, we are here to reach out to the local Hispanic community and to strengthen the coalition of Hispanic business owners around the state. We believe that through exposure to a network of knowledgeable business professionals and structured training, businesses and chambers can enhance their skills in running a successful organization. Some programs offered through The New York State Coalition of Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, provides members the opportunity to enhance their skills in running a successful business. Ranging from workshops and seminars, Procurement sessions and matchmaking, NYSCHCC newsletters, quarterly board meetings and more. The New York State Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce is the leading advocate of Hispanic Businesses in New York State who commits to ensuring the growth of its members and the chambers.