MIAMI, FL – May 28, 2014 – (HISPANICIZE WIRE) –, the parenting and lifestyle blog of Hispanicize companies chairman Manny Ruiz, is celebrating its fourth birthday this month with a web site relaunch that features an updated look and PapiBlogger cartoon icon.
Ever since debuted at the first annual Hispanicize event in May of 2010, the PapiBlogger family has grown from three to four children (Naomi was born in 2012) and the clan has taken part in four major social media-documented road trips that have totaled more than 30,000 miles. The Fifth Annual PapiBlogger Family Road Trip is being planned for mid-July.
My biggest frustration sometimes is that with the exception of a handful of other Latino dads who I love very much there are very few Latino men blogging about family and lifestyle”
“When I started blogging, I mainly wanted to document my own family’s evolution but through the years we’ve done so many crazy family travel adventures that we’ve become especially known for this,” said Ruiz, who in addition to producing PapiBlogger also serves as a travel spokesperson for Best Western and writes for their You Must Be Trippin blog.
The PapiBlogger family consists of Ruiz, his wife Angela and four kids, Jonathan (14), Elena (10), Briani (5) and Naomi (1). The spread of their children’s ages gives Manny and Angela a broad perspective of parenting experiences that are oftentimes documented on
“I think parenting is much harder today for this generation of parents than it was for my own parents,” said Manny, “so it’s vital for me to keep things raw and real as much as I can. My biggest frustration sometimes is that with the exception of a handful of other Latino dads who I love very much there are very few Latino men blogging about family and lifestyle. For the most part, PapiBlogger is still very much one of the few Latino men bloggers in a social media world dominated by Latina bloggers.”
About PapiBlogger
Launched in 2010, PapiBlogger is the personal blog of Hispanicize companies founder Manny Ruiz. The web site is devoted to family, travel and lifestyle.
PapiBlogger can be accessed online at and on Twitter at The blog also has a Facebook fan page by the same name.